Opening Prayer:
Guardian Angel - Saint Cardinal John Henry Newman WebsiteIn the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, as we gather on this fifth day of our novena to the Guardian Angels, we continue to seek their guidance and intercession. May their presence be a source of comfort and strength for us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scriptural Reading and Meditation:
Read and meditate on Matthew 18:10:

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”

Meditate on the idea that Guardian Angels are assigned to each of us from the moment of our birth. They are intimately connected to God’s divine plan for our lives. Reflect on the innocence and trust of children and how our own faith should resemble this childlike trust in God and His providence. Just as Guardian Angels watch over children, they also guide and protect us throughout our lives, no matter our age. Visualize your Guardian Angel as a radiant and faithful companion, always in God’s presence, and always by your side, guiding and protecting you with love and dedication. Here are some reflections to consider:

Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels on Oct. 2

      1. Proximity to the Divine Presence: Imagine your Guardian Angel standing in the glorious presence of God the Father, continually beholding His radiant face. Picture the serenity and awe in your angel’s demeanor as they gaze upon the divine countenance. This closeness to God signifies the intimate bond between your Guardian Angel and the Creator.
      2. Constant Vigilance: Contemplate the constant vigilance of your Guardian Angel. They never lose sight of God’s face, implying their ceaseless attention and dedication to their heavenly mission. This commitment to watch over you and intercede on your behalf is a clear proof of their love and care.
      3. Advocates for the Vulnerable: Jesus’ words in this verse emphasize the importance of not despising “one of these little ones.” Reflect on how your Guardian Angel serves as your advocate before God, especially in moments of vulnerability. Just as they stand in God’s presence, they stand by your side, ensuring that you are not overlooked or neglected.
      4. Childlike Faith and Trust: Consider the childlike faith and trust symbolized by the little ones mentioned in the verse. Visualize your Guardian Angel encouraging you to approach God with the innocence and trust of a child. They guide you to cast aside fear and doubt, knowing that you are under the loving care of the heavenly Father.
      5. Constant Presence: Reflect on the comforting idea that your Guardian Angel is always with you, even when you are not consciously aware of their presence. They are a constant companion, watching over you, and connecting you to the divine realm.
      6. Prayer and Intercession: Ponder how your Guardian Angel’s closeness to God enables them to intercede on your behalf. They bring your needs, desires, and concerns before the heavenly throne, knowing that God listens to their pleas on your behalf.

YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL THE ANGEL OF YOUR BIRTH DATE | Angel pictures, Angel art, Angel As you meditate on this verse, express your gratitude to your Guardian Angel for their unceasing presence and advocacy in your life. Recognize the gift of having a celestial being always seeking your well-being. Know that he is always by your side, ready to guard and guide you on your life’s journey.

(Now, if you have just ONE favour per day to ask your guardian angel, what would that be? ASK him! JUST ONE…)

Short Litany to the Guardian Angels:

Holy Guardian Angels, protectors of our souls, Pray for us
Faithful companions on our earthly journey, Pray for us
Guiding us with wisdom and love, Pray for us
Interceding for us before the throne of God, Pray for us
Defenders against the snares of the enemy, Pray for us
Comforters in times of fear and doubt, Pray for us
Bringing us God’s messages and inspirations, Pray for us
Leading us closer to Jesus, Pray for us
Watching over us day and night, Pray for us

My dear guardian angel, help us to recognize your presence and guidance in our lives. Amen

CRISTO | Guardian angels, Angel painting, Angel picturesImproving Our Closeness and Friendship with Our Guardian Angels:
Take a moment to reflect on how you can improve your relationship with your Guardian Angel. Consider how you can be more aware of their presence and guidance in your daily life. This may include praying to them more frequently, asking for their help in specific situations, or simply acknowledging their presence with gratitude. In this very context, utilize this moment to thank your guardian angel for offering that ONE petition you asked him to God. Thank him for interceding for you as your closest friend. Thank God in faith for the answered prayer, and believing God for your testimonies.

Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo.: Our Holy Guardian Angels =)Prayer to our Guardian Angels:
Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day/night be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Concluding Prayer:
Heavenly Father, as we conclude this fifth day of our novena, we are grateful for the reminder from your Son, Jesus, that our Guardian Angels are always in your presence, watching over us with love and care. Help us to approach life with the trust and innocence of children, knowing that our Guardian Angels guide and protect us. We thank you for this gift of protection and guidance and ask for the grace to listen to their whispers of wisdom and encouragement. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Guardian Angel on Bridge Holy Card (8-UP). 01-1399. Tonini Church Supply

Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me, He has sent my guardian angel to minister, guard, and protect me…

Through the intercession of our guardian angels, may the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying Day 5! Click here for Day 6 Prayers👏🏼👏🏼



© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo
nozickcjoe@gmail.com / fadacjay@gmail.com
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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Miriam Akaakase
Miriam Akaakase
9 months ago

My dear guardian angel, help us to recognize your presence and guidance in our lives. Amen

Umenwanne Perpetua
Umenwanne Perpetua
9 months ago

My Guardian Angel pray and guard me now and always

Sabina Onyebi
Sabina Onyebi
9 months ago

May God grant us the grace to listen to their whispers of wisdom and encouragement in Jesus name amen.

Lawrence Okonofua
Lawrence Okonofua
9 months ago

Angel of God my Guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide.
May we hearken to the remonstration of our Guardian Angels.

Angela Uso
Angela Uso
9 months ago


Aromashodu Bisi
Aromashodu Bisi
9 months ago

Thank you my Guardian Angel for interceding for me always. Amen

Oby Ralph
Oby Ralph
9 months ago

Through the intercession of my guardian angel may God bless and protect us Amen

9 months ago

May Our guardian Angel continue to guide and guard us in Jesus name Amen

9 months ago

My Dear Guardian Angel, thanks for always being there

Jacy Maria Egbeh
Jacy Maria Egbeh
9 months ago

My gaurdian angel, my friend, I love & respect you, forgive my negligence on you before, please I have come back to recognize you, always remind me you are there for me, pray for my children for life of purity

9 months ago

My Guardian Angel, guard and protect me

Victoria Agbonyeme
Victoria Agbonyeme
9 months ago

My dear guider angel help us & protect us from the sanre of the snares our enemy. AMEN.

9 months ago

Thank you Almighty God for the gift of my guardian and for watching over my always Amen

9 months ago

Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me, He has sent my guardian angel to minister, guard, and protect me. Amen

Miriam Chigbu
Miriam Chigbu
9 months ago

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day/night be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Tee Terver Norbert
Tee Terver Norbert
9 months ago

My guardian Angel, Pray and take my needs before the throne Grace for assistance all days.

Patricia Essiet
Patricia Essiet
9 months ago

Our Holy Guardian Angels, watch over us Amen

Comfort Edewor
Comfort Edewor
9 months ago

My Guardian angel please continue to strengthen my resolve to walk with you all my life.

Lady Uche Nwosu
Lady Uche Nwosu
9 months ago

Thank you Fr Chilaka for this wonderful moment of being with our guardian angel. If not you; I may not have known these heart melted prayers. I pray that as we continue to grow in faith, may our guardian angels obtain for us from God, the graces we need both temporal and spiritual in accordance with the Will of God. Amen

Blessing Thompson #821
Blessing Thompson #821
9 months ago


9 months ago

The LORD is good all the time

John juliet
John juliet
9 months ago


Innocent chibuike
Innocent chibuike
9 months ago

My dear angel guidian,take me to my greener pastures through Christ our lord amen

Isioma Okolo
Isioma Okolo
9 months ago


Lina Omagbitse
Lina Omagbitse
9 months ago

My dear guardian angel, please Obtain the graces and favours I seek through this novena . Amen

Linda John Ojeyokan
Linda John Ojeyokan
9 months ago


Okosha Olivia onyinyechi
Okosha Olivia onyinyechi
9 months ago

Father please pray for my marriage, because my marriage is about to collapse.

Nkechi Bature-Uzor
Nkechi Bature-Uzor
9 months ago

Thank you my guardian angel for interceding for me before the throne of God, Amen .

Gloria Nkiruka Odia
Gloria Nkiruka Odia
9 months ago

My guardian Angel and that of my entire family may you continue to guard our path and intercede for us in the presence of God.Amen

Magdalene Omono
Magdalene Omono
9 months ago


Josephine Soje
Josephine Soje
9 months ago

My dear guardian angel strengthen me in my trials and increase my faith and love to God. Amen

Emeka Alu
Emeka Alu
9 months ago

Through the intercession of our guardian angels, may the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

9 months ago


Adeola Odedeji
Adeola Odedeji
9 months ago

St Gabriel please pray that God bless my daughter Franca with the fruit of the womb.

Benjamin Adewale Ajai
Benjamin Adewale Ajai
9 months ago

Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me, He has sent my guardian angel to minister, guard, and protect me.


Dora Faleye
Dora Faleye
9 months ago

Holy guardian angels, protector of our souls… Pray for us

Sule Adanu
Sule Adanu
9 months ago

Amen & Amen

Catherine Adaugo Uzoma
Catherine Adaugo Uzoma
9 months ago

Lord please help us to approach life with the trust and innocence of children

Asen Anita
Asen Anita
9 months ago


Hwange Thaddeus
Hwange Thaddeus
9 months ago

My dear angel guardian pray for me

9 months ago

Our Guardian Angels intercede for us and our families Amen.

Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
9 months ago

Holy Guardian Angels, protector of our souls, pray for us Amen.

Vivian Oyih
Vivian Oyih
9 months ago

My dear Guardian Angel, pray for me, Amen

Doris Okoh
Doris Okoh
9 months ago

My Guardian Angel teach me to knw you more

Adeyanju Adenike Regina
Adeyanju Adenike Regina
9 months ago

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day/night be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Imelda Asuquo
Imelda Asuquo
9 months ago

My guardian angel please pray for a clear vision Amen

Adakole Anita Ada
Adakole Anita Ada
9 months ago

May God bless us all.Amen

Adaobi Val
Adaobi Val
9 months ago


Mrs. Olachi Peters
Mrs. Olachi Peters
9 months ago

May the Lord be with us, and may He send our guardian angels to minister to us, guard and guide us, and protect us from all dangers in our lives sourjourns through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Angela Sewuese Abutu.
Angela Sewuese Abutu.
9 months ago


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