I welcome you all to this Catholic Community. I give thanks to God for the realization of this project which took a longer time than expected; a work chiefly influenced by “Divine Providence”.

Thanks to all those who have been part of it, those who inspired me daily to see to its realization; those who inspired me by their daily questions about the Catholic Faith on the social media… I remain grateful to you all. 

Many of you may mistake me to be a priest because I tend to respond to the questions centered around the Catholic faith; however, I am not. I am Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, a staunch catholic and an apologist of the Christian faith who draws inspiration from his patron Saint Justin (a martyr and an apologist of the early church), who takes delight in studying and inquiring more about his faith and passing on to others. Hence, the book of Daniel 12:3 makes us to understand that our reward lies in the ‘world to come’; it states: “The LEARNED will shine as brightly as the VAULT OF HEAVEN, and those who have INSTRUCTED many in virtue will shine like STARS for all eternity.”

This blog site is aimed basically to teach, enlighten, defend and spread the Catholic Faith, it will also serve as a reference and a guide to those seeking clarification about the practices and values of the Catholic Church. Thus, as St. Peter encourages us: “be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do this with gentleness and respect”
(1Pet. 3:15); we are hereby called to be adherents of this  noble injuction in and out of season.

Feel free to visit this site always, as I take time to fill it up  with the questions directed to me on “Catholic Doctrines” on facebook and my corresponding responses.
Once again, I welcome you all.


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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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