First Reading: Wisdom 12:13,16-19
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85 (86):5-6, 9-10,15-16
Second Reading: Romans 8:26-27
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:24-43

In a world often marked by impatience, instant gratification, and judgment, the concept of patience and mercy can seem elusive. The intertwined virtues of patience and mercy lie at the heart of God’s character because the Scriptures remind us that our Heavenly Father’s love/mercy is boundless and His patience towards us knows no end. Patience is the unwavering ability to endure, to bear with the imperfections of ourselves and others, and to trust in God’s perfect timing. Mercy, on the other hand, is the tender compassion that forgives, restores, and offers second chances. Together, these attributes reveal the boundless love of our Heavenly Father, who desires that none should perish but come to repentance (cf. 2 Peter 3:9). As we journey through the readings, let us recognize the manifestation of God’s patience and mercy, and allow these divine qualities to inspire our own actions and interactions. Thus, today’s readings call us to enter into the profound mystery of God’s patience and mercy, revealed through the parables shared by Jesus. Through these parables, Jesus imparts essential lessons on embracing God’s divine attributes, empowering us to reflect His love and compassion in our lives. As we delve into the readings of this Sunday, let us open our hearts to the transformative power of God’s patience and mercy.

The First Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon (12:13,16-19) unveils God’s divine wisdom and mercy as inseparable companions. The Lord, in His immeasurable wisdom, shows patience towards all, granting sinners time to repent. His mercy embraces even those who have strayed far from His path. The Lord is just, but He tempers His justice with a merciful heart, allowing room for repentance and forgiveness. This passage reminds us that God’s patience with us is not a license for complacency but an invitation to turn away from sin and embrace His love. As recipients of God’s mercy, we are called to extend the same compassion and understanding to others, recognizing that we are all on a journey of growth and conversion.

In the Responsorial psalm (85 (86):5-6, 9-10,15-16), King David cries out to the Lord, acknowledging His goodness, forgiveness, and abundant love. He beseeches God for His mercy, recognizing his own need for divine guidance and compassion. This heartfelt prayer reminds us that God’s mercy is always available to us, waiting for us to humbly seek His help. The psalmist’s plea echoes the yearning of our own hearts to experience God’s tender love and forgiveness. Embracing God’s patience and mercy means coming before Him with humility and trust, confident that He will hear our prayers and respond to our needs.

Similarly, the Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans (8:26-27) unveils the role of the Holy Spirit as our Advocate and Intercessor. The Spirit comes to our aid in our weakness, helping us to express our deepest longings to God. When we struggle to find the right words, the Holy Spirit groans on our behalf, interceding with God’s perfect understanding. This passage illuminates the intimate connection between patience and mercy. God’s patience with us is mirrored in the Spirit’s patient and compassionate intercession, as God’s mercy reaches out to us even when we cannot adequately express our needs. Thus, even in moments of struggle and despair, God’s Patience and Mercy encompass our very being. Embracing God’s Patience and Mercy requires surrendering our weaknesses to the Holy Spirit, trusting that His guidance will lead us to the heart of God’s compassionate love.

More practically, the parables shared by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew (13:24-43) reveal profound truths about God’s Kingdom. The parables of the wheat and weeds, the mustard seed, and the yeast all point to God’s Patience and Mercy in the process of growth and transformation. In the parable of the wheat and weeds, the master allows both to grow together until harvest, symbolizing God’s patience in giving sinners a chance to repent and turn towards Him. God does not rush to judge or condemn but grants us time to repent and change our ways. Embracing God’s patience and mercy means recognizing that God’s Kingdom is a realm of both justice and compassion, where opportunities for repentance and growth abound. The mustard seed and yeast are tiny and seemingly insignificant, yet they grow and transform into something significant and impactful. These parables teach us that God’s Kingdom starts small, but its influence is powerful and far-reaching. Embracing God’s patience and mercy means trusting that even the smallest acts of love and kindness can have a profound impact in building God’s Kingdom here on earth. These parables teach us that God’s Patience and Mercy are not confined by time or human limitations but rather work in mysterious ways to bring about His divine plan.

Dear friends in Christ, the take home lessons from todays readings can be summarized as follows:

  1. Cultivating Patience in Our Lives: Embrace God’s Patience by cultivating patience in our own lives, especially in times of adversity and trial. Just as the master allowed the wheat and weeds to grow together, we must be patient with ourselves and others, knowing that God’s plan unfolds in His perfect timing.
  2. Seeking God’s Mercy with Humility: Like the psalmist, we must approach God with humility, recognizing our need for His Mercy and forgiveness. Embracing God’s Mercy means approaching Him with a contrite heart, ready to receive the grace of His unconditional love.
  3. Trusting in the Holy Spirit’s Guidance: Surrender our weaknesses and uncertainties to the Holy Spirit, knowing that His intercession bridges the gap between our humanity and God’s divine plan. Embrace God’s Patience by trusting in the Spirit’s guidance in our lives.
  4. Growing in God’s Kingdom: Just as the mustard seed and yeast grow into something significant, we must embrace God’s Patience and Mercy in the process of our own spiritual growth. Be patient with ourselves and others as we journey towards holiness, knowing that God’s loving plan is unfolding in every step we take.

My dear brothers and sisters, embracing God’s patience and mercy is the key to experiencing the transformative power of His love in our lives. Let us recognize God’s compassionate forbearance towards us and respond with humility and trust. As we sow the seeds of love, mercy, and kindness in the world, may we witness the growth of God’s Kingdom, one small act of compassion at a time. Let us carry these lessons in our hearts and be living reflections of God’s patience and mercy in a world in need of His love. Remember, God is patient with us, and His mercy endures forever. May we seek His guidance, follow His example, and bring forth the Kingdom of God through our actions and words. Remember the words of St. Peter in 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Embrace God’s Patience and Mercy today, and let His love illuminate every aspect of your life. Amen.




© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Emeka Odugu
Emeka Odugu
1 year ago

Thanks Padre for the soul lifting sermon.

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