First Reading: Exodus 16:1-5,9-15
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 77(78):18-19,23-28
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:1-9

From the pages of history, there have been special individuals, divinely chosen and moved by God, who have become beacons of faith, illuminating the path for countless others on their spiritual journey. Among these remarkable figures, Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of our Lord Jesus Christ, shine brightly as luminous examples of unwavering devotion and faith. Though not explicitly mentioned in the canonical Scriptures, their presence in Christian tradition has left an indelible mark on the narrative of salvation. Their incredible role in the grand tapestry of God’s plan is a testament to the power of trust, obedience, and piety—qualities that continue to inspire believers and illuminate the path to salvation. As we commemorate the Memorial of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are summoned to embark on a profound journey back through salvation history. In the shadows of their lives, we encounter an intricate design of God’s providence, faith, and the blossoming of God’s divine plan for humanity. As we immerse ourselves in the readings of the day, the echoes of their exemplary faith and trust in God resonate, illuminating the path of unwavering devotion and the profound significance of the domestic Church. The liturgical readings of the day converge to offer us profound insights into the virtues of love, humility, hope, spiritual fertility, and the beams of faith reflected by these faithful grandparents in the wilderness of life.

In the First Reading from Exodus (16:1-5,9-15), the Israelites find themselves in the wilderness, grumbling and discontented, as they long for the comforts they left behind in Egypt. Despite God’s miraculous liberation from slavery, their faith wavers in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Yet, in the midst of their doubts, God’s divine providence shines forth as He provides manna from heaven to nourish and sustain them on their journey. This episode mirrors the faith journey of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, who, like the Israelites, encountered trials and uncertainties on their path to parenthood. The couple’s longing for a child in their wilderness of life was met with years of barrenness, and instead of lamenting and complaining against God like the unfaithful Israelites in the desert, they humbly turned to God in prayer, trusting in His providential care, as tradition tells us. Their unwavering faith was rewarded with the precious gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the Immaculate Conception, who would become the great Mother of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Responsorial Psalm (Ps. 77/78:18-19,23-28) serves as a poignant reflection on the faithfulness of God and His enduring love for His people. It recounts the marvels God performed during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness, from the miraculous parting of the Red Sea to the provision of manna and quail. Despite these signs of divine intervention, the Israelites’ memories were short-lived, and they continued to test God’s patience with their unbelief. In the lives of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, we witness the beauty of remembering God’s wonders. Their devout hearts, immersed in prayer and trust, must have been filled with gratitude as they pondered the miraculous gift of their daughter, the future Mother of God. Their fidelity in recalling God’s faithfulness in their own lives serves as a powerful example for us to cherish and meditate on the wonders God has wrought in our lives. In times of doubt or uncertainty, let us draw inspiration from the psalmist’s call to remember God’s unfailing love and providence.

And in the Gospel Reading (Matthew 13:1-9), Jesus presents the parable of the sower, a powerful metaphor for the reception of God’s Word. Just as the sower scatters seeds on various types of soil, so too does the Word of God encounter different dispositions in human hearts. Some hearts are hardened and unresponsive, while others receive the Word with joy, only to falter in times of trial. However, the fertile soil brings forth an abundant harvest, producing fruits that endure. Saint Joachim and Saint Anne exemplify the fertile soil of faith, allowing the Word of God to take root and bear fruit in their lives. Their faithfulness in raising the Blessed Virgin Mary in piety and holiness laid the foundation for the Son of God’s coming into the world, bringing forth the most abundant and enduring harvest of all time.

The devotion to Saints Joachim and Anne (models of grandparents), extends beyond historical veneration; it is alive in the hearts of the faithful who seek their intercession in matters of family, fertility, and faith. The celebration of their feast serves as a reminder of their extraordinary place in salvation history as beams of faith in the wilderness of life and as an opportunity for believers to reflect on their contribution as faithful grandparents of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we contemplate the lives of these faithful grandparents, we are reminded that God’s divine plan often unfolds in ways that transcend human understanding. Their story kindles a spark of hope, reminding us that faith and dedication to God’s will can lead us to unexpected and transformative destinations.

Dear friends in Christ, as we commemorate the Memorial of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, we are beckoned to contemplate the profound impact of their lives on the grand tapestry of salvation history. Their journey of faith and unwavering trust in God’s providence mirror the experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness, reminding us of the significance of fostering spiritual fertility through humility and fidelity. Just as the fertile soil yields an abundant harvest, the faithfulness of these holy parents bore the fruit of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became the chosen vessel to bring the Saviour into the world. In our own lives, let us learn from their examples, nurturing the soil of our hearts with faith, hope, and love, so that we too may bear fruit for the glory of God and the sanctification of our souls. May the intercession of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne guide and inspire us on our journey of discipleship, leading us closer to the heart of their beloved daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and ultimately to the loving embrace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
Ngosoo Perpetua Chia
1 year ago

Saints Joachim and Anne, Pray for us Amen.

1 year ago

Wonderful reflection inline with the reading and Feast of St. Joachim and Anne. Thank you.

Christie Dada
Christie Dada
1 year ago

St JoChim and St Anne patrons of grandparents teach us to love in humility faith hope and love.

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