On January 21, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Agnes, often known as St. Agnes of Rome. She is the patroness of those seeking chastity and purity, engaged couples, rape victims, gardeners, young girls, and Girl Scouts. Symbols and representations of Saint Agnes include a woman with a dove, a woman with a crown of thorns, a woman with a palm branch, a woman with a sword at her throat, and a woman with a lamb. The imagery of lamb is significant because the name “Agnes” is similar to the Latin word “agnus,” which means “lamb”. For this reason depictions of Saint Agnes often include a lamb. The name actually comes from a Greek word, which means “chaste, pure, sacred”.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


O kind and protective Saint Agnes! Glorious Virgin and Martyr of Jesus Christ! In this solemn novena, dedicated to your glorious triumph, we humbly prostrate ourselves before you, certain that you will not deny us the graces we now ask of you (here, mention your intentions).

Animated by your luminous examples and awakened by divine inspirations, we decide to dedicate ourselves sincerely to the service of God and to belong entirely to Him; we, therefore, wish to consecrate our hearts to Him. But, knowing our unworthiness, we dare not make such a miserable offer; therefore, we beseech and implore you to receive these hearts, thirsting for the purity of your merits, so that they may become worthy of being accepted by God.



From a treatise On Virgins by Saint Ambrose, bishop – On the Feast of St. Agnes of Rome
(Lib 1, cap. 2, 5,7-9: PL 16 [edit. 1845], 189-191)

Too young to be punished, yet old enough for a martyr’s crown

Today is the birthday of a virgin; let us imitate her purity. It is the birthday of a martyr; let us offer ourselves in sacrifice. It is the birthday of Saint Agnes, who is said to have suffered martyrdom at the age of twelve. The cruelty that did not spare her youth shows all the more clearly the power of faith in finding one so young to bear it witness.

There was little or no room in that small body for a wound. Though she could scarcely receive the blow, she could rise superior to it. Girls of her age cannot bear even their parents’ frowns and, pricked by a needle, weep as for a serious wound. Yet she shows no fear of the blood-stained hands of her executioners. She stands undaunted by heavy, clanking chains. She offers her whole body to be put to the sword by fierce soldiers. She is too young to know of death, yet is ready to face it. Dragged against her will to the altars, she stretches out her hands to the Lord in the midst of the flames, making the triumphant sign of Christ the victor on the altars of sacrilege. She puts her neck and hands in iron chains, but no chain can hold fast her tiny limbs.

A new kind of martyrdom! Too young to be punished, yet old enough for a martyr’s crown; unfitted for the contest, yet effortless in victory, she shows herself a master in valour despite the handicap of youth. As a bride she would not be hastening to join her husband with the same joy she shows as a virgin on her way to punishment, crowned not with flowers but with holiness of life, adorned not with braided hair but with Christ himself.

In the midst of tears, she sheds no tears herself. The crowds marvel at her recklessness in throwing away her life untasted, as if she had already lived life to the full. All are amazed that one not yet of legal age can give her testimony to God. So she succeeds in convincing others of her testimony about God, though her testimony in human affairs could not yet be accepted. What is beyond the power of nature, they argue, must come from its creator.

What menaces there were from the executioner, to frighten her; what promises made, to win her over; what influential people desired her in marriage! She answered: “To hope that any other will please me does wrong to my Spouse. I will be his who first chose me for himself. Executioner, why do you delay? If eyes that I do not want can desire this body, then let it perish.” She stood still, she prayed, she offered her neck.

You could see fear in the eyes of the executioner, as if he were the one condemned; his right hand trembled, his face grew pale as he saw the girl’s peril, while she had no fear for herself. One victim, but a twin martyrdom, to modesty and to religion; Agnes preserved her virginity, and gained a martyr’s crown.

  • (Culled from the Office of the Readings/Liturgy of the Hours for the Feast of St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr)



St. Agnes of Rome - The GIVEN InstituteDAY 9 PRAYER

Merciful Jesus, source of all virtues, winner of all evil, look kindly upon our fragility and, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin, your Mother, and of your beloved and our special protector, the Virgin and Martyr Saint Agnes, grant us the supernatural help of your grace, so that we may know how to despise earthly things and love heavenly things; resist vices and temptations; keep firm in the virtues; despise false honors; weep over the sins we have committed and the immense disgrace of committing them; flee and keep away from dangerous occasions; abstain from every bad habit, associate with good people, and persevere in virtue. And so, through your divine grace, let us share in the glory of eternal life, with Saint Agnes and with all the saints in your Kingdom, for all eternity (here, mention your intentions). Amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be… St. Agnes, pray for us!


Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison, Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, the Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.

Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, consecrated to God in your youth, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, lily of virginal innocence, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, rose among the thorns of paganism, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, inflamed with the love of God, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, defender of the faith, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, adornment of the Christian nation, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, loathing the lure of the world and all its vanity, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, by the particular grace of God protected by the angel from the stain of sin, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, singular model of virginal purity, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, mirror of piety, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, example of obedience and mores, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, invaluable treasure of the Church of Christ, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, victorious over all temptations, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, adornment of the female gender, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, consolation of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, guardian of all virgins, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, virgin in soul and body, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, bride of the Savior of the world, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, betrothed to God with the ring of His Faith, Hope and Love, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, despising the earthly bridegroom for the love of God, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, reviving the dead young man through your prayers, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, not afraid of terrible torments, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, wishing with joy for death by martyrdom, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, condemned by the enemy to be burned, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, perishing from a murderous hand armed with steel, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, unparalleled in martyr’s patience, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, rare example of bravery and consistency, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, adorned with the palm of victory, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, rewarded with the crown of martyrdom, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, included in the fellowship of the martyrs of Christ, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, placed in the tabernacle of eternal glory, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, experienced Patroness in various adventures, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, consolation of God the Eternal Father, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, dwelling of the Holy Spirit, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, our Patroness, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Almighty eternal God, who in the midst of pagan darkness, having in particular care your faithful servant Saint Agnes, preserved her in innocence and gave her the crown of martyrdom in Your glory, we ask You humbly to deliver us through her intercession from the darkness of sin, and bring us through the road of virtue to the glory that she shares forever with You, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O Almighty and Eternal God, who chose what is weak in the eyes of the world to confound what is strong. Grant us that, celebrating the solemnities of Saint Agnes, your virgin and martyr, we may feel with you the effects of her intercession. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercession of Saint Agnes of Rome, Virgin & Martyr, may Almighty God bless you + the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying Day 9! May God hear our humble Prayer👏🏼👏🏼


Compiled by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, São Paulo, Brazil /


PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today? 


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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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John Omolafe
John Omolafe
1 year ago

Yes, I have

Christie Dada
Christie Dada
1 year ago

Was locked out of the WhatsApp group when my phone was hacked. Have redo my 2 steps verification and have said my prayers . Kindly re add my number so I can sign in.

1 year ago
Reply to  Christie Dada

Look for any admin and chat them there. Not here

Lawrence Okonofua
Lawrence Okonofua
1 year ago

St. Agnes Consecrated to God in your youth, pray for your children.
We commit our Nation Nigeria to your prayerful intercession at the Throne of Mercy.

Chy Uzor
Chy Uzor
9 months ago


Juliet Arinze
Juliet Arinze
1 year ago


Nwosu Christiana
Nwosu Christiana
1 year ago

Thank you St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, for answered prayers, amen!

Augustina Ayo-Ogbor
Augustina Ayo-Ogbor
1 year ago

St Agnes Pray for Us, Mary mother of God,intercede for Us, Amen

Ijeoma Jennifer Korie
Ijeoma Jennifer Korie
1 year ago

Dear Lord, I wish to be chaste and virtuous, offering myself and body to You as a pleasing sacrifice. Take away from me any person or thing that makes me inconsistent with this desire for holiness. I permit you to do with me as You will. Amen.

St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, intercede for me. Amen

Grace Orpin
Grace Orpin
1 year ago


Borogo Gladys
Borogo Gladys
1 year ago

Thank you st. Agnes virgin and martyr for interceding in our prayers, and for the prayers answered. Amen.

1 year ago

We thank the Lord for his mercies. St. Agnes pray for us.

Emeka Alu
Emeka Alu
1 year ago


Ndu-kanebi, Lauretta
Ndu-kanebi, Lauretta
1 year ago

St Agnes kindly intercede for my family and the larger family of all Christ faithful. I bring before you the 2023 election in our country Nigeria, before you and the host of heavenly Angels to divinely select that Leader that will bring back God’s glory to our nation through Christ our Lord. Amen
Thanks Padre for the great opportunity created for us to be part of this Spiritual exercise.

Miriam Akaakase
Miriam Akaakase
1 year ago


1 year ago


Emmanuel Ukah
Emmanuel Ukah
1 year ago

Thank you St. Agnes for answered prayers. Amen.

Victoria Agbonyeme
Victoria Agbonyeme
1 year ago

God of mercy I ask for more of the you give st Agnes to follow way . Amen

Fimbert Chikere Madu 561
Fimbert Chikere Madu 561
1 year ago

St Agnes virgin and Martyr, pray for us

Roselyn Demawa
Roselyn Demawa
1 year ago

St Agnes intercede for me

Nwadike Pauline
Nwadike Pauline
1 year ago

Nwadike Pauline. I thank God for the life of Saint Agnes. I now ask her to intercede for my family, particularly in the life of my children.

Ezeobidi Glady’sann Obiageli
Ezeobidi Glady’sann Obiageli
1 year ago

St Agnes continue to intercede for us as we journey through this vile of tears in Jesus name Amen

St Agnes Virgin and martyr, pray for us.

Chidimma Nwatu
Chidimma Nwatu
1 year ago

Thank you st Agnes for interceeding for us. Amen

Linda Agba-Kpera
Linda Agba-Kpera
1 year ago

Happy feast day St Agnes! Virgin and Martyr at twelve! We celebrate you little spouse of Jesus! Continue to intercede for us amiable St Agnes ! Happy feast day OCCF.

1 year ago


Angela Usoh
Angela Usoh
1 year ago


Lina Omagbitse
Lina Omagbitse
1 year ago

Brave and faithful St Agnes continue to intercede for us. Amen

Innocent Benedict Ifeanyichukwu
Innocent Benedict Ifeanyichukwu
1 year ago

St. Agnes of Rome, pray for us.

Thank you very Padre

Eguono Catherine Soewu
Eguono Catherine Soewu
1 year ago

This is an amazing prayer platform. Thank you for setting it up and Amen to all the prayers.

Perpetua Ngosoo Chia
Perpetua Ngosoo Chia
1 year ago

Through the intercession of St Agnes of Rome grant our intentions in the name of Jesus Christ, amen

Imelda Asuquo
Imelda Asuquo
1 year ago

May all my intentions find favour at the sight of God through the intercession of St Agnes of Rome through Christ our Lord Amen.

Francis Dominic Enimil Ashun
Francis Dominic Enimil Ashun
1 year ago


Linda John Ojeyokan
Linda John Ojeyokan
1 year ago

Amen…..Thank God for answered prays and His blessings .

Linda John Ojeyokan
Linda John Ojeyokan
1 year ago


Okoye Chinenye
Okoye Chinenye
1 year ago


1 year ago

Through the intercession of St Agnes May God grant our hearts desire, thank you very much @. Fr Chinaka may God continue to elevate you in his vain yard in Jesus Christ name amen ️️

Jennifer Silas
Jennifer Silas
1 year ago

Thank you Jesus for the completion of this novena

Okpalike-Onyebueke Chiamaka Rose-Rita
Okpalike-Onyebueke Chiamaka Rose-Rita
1 year ago

Saint Agnes, adorned with the palm of victory, pray for us.

1 year ago

Thank you Lord for the Gift of St. Agnes of Rome

May our prayers be granted us through her intercession….Amen

Hwange Francisca
Hwange Francisca
1 year ago

St. Agnes, virgin and Martyr, pray for us .

Itohan Umole
Itohan Umole
1 year ago


1 year ago

St Agnes! Pray for us. Amen

Dorothy Abaver
Dorothy Abaver
1 year ago

St Agnes pray for us to be victorious over all temptations

Raphael Fayomi
Raphael Fayomi
1 year ago

May God through the intercession of St Agnes hear and answer my silent intentions Amen

Sa'adatu Anne Akough
Sa'adatu Anne Akough
1 year ago

In all things give thanks to God Almighty. Jesus I am very grateful for the gift of life and good health and my family

1 year ago


1 year ago


Abuo Felicia Effah
Abuo Felicia Effah
1 year ago

Thank You Jesus for prayers answered

1 year ago


1 year ago

Thank you dear St. Agnes for the completion of the Novena. May all our good heart intentions be answered through your intercession. Amen!!!

Mkpuma Tochukwu
Mkpuma Tochukwu
1 year ago

St. Agnes pray for

1 year ago

“Too young to be punished, yet old enough for a martyr’s crown”… Saint Anne of Rome, thanks for interceding for my intentions. Amen

1 year ago
Reply to  Adaeze

St. Agnes of Rome, thanks for interceding for my intentions. Amen

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