Heavenly Roundtable on the Immaculate Conception by Church Scholars

Setting: A celestial library where saints and scholars gather for a heavenly colloquium on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

St. Thomas Aquinas: (stroking his beard) Well, my friends, it seems we’ve gathered for a celestial symposium on the Immaculate Conception. I recall having maintained my reservations about the concept of Mary being free from original sin at the moment of her conception during my earthly life. Augustine and other esteemed scholars, can we do a little brainstorming before Pope Pius IX comes with his dogmatic pronunciation?

St. Augustine: (leaning in) I guess I influenced you my brother, although not directly. But then, if Mary was conceived without sin, doesn’t that challenge the universality of original sin which I emphasized while on earth?

St. Thomas Aquinas: (thoughtfully) Augustine, you raise a crucial point. The universality of sin is central to our understanding. But how can we reconcile the universality of sin with Mary’s unique role?

(Duns Scotus cuts in…)

Duns Scotus: (enthusiastically) Ah, Tommy, always the cautious one. But consider this – a “pre-redemption,” a unique grace that preserved Mary from original sin before Christ’s redemptive act. It’s a beautiful concept, don’t you think? Lemme invite our Italian Jesuit Cardinal, Robert Bellarmine for his thoughts

St. Robert Bellarmine: (nodding) Indeed, Scotus, you are right. The elegance of divine grace working mysteriously throughout salvation history.

Duns Scotus: Awesome, our erudite scholar!

(Augustine and Aquinas stare at each other… While Bernard joins the discussion)

St. Bernard of Clairvaux: (looking serious) Augustine, consider this – Mary’s uniqueness doesn’t negate the reality of sin. Rather, it showcases God’s extraordinary intervention in human history.

St. Robert Bellarmine: (nodding) succinctly put Bernard! Even animals comprehend you… Little wonder,  in your sermon on the humility of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, using the example of the donkey that carried Mary to Bethlehem, the donkey, which was present in the congregation, knelt down in reverence at the exact moment you mentioned the donkey’s role in the Nativity. Mary’s Immaculate Conception doesn’t diminish the universality of sin; rather, it accentuates the grandeur of God’s plan.

John Duns Scotus: (smiling), Cardinal Robert, I agree with you! Brother Bernard made an awesome point here. And I will add that her “fiat” made it all possible. Her freedom from sin allowed her to say “yes” so perfectly.

St. Thomas Aquinas: (thoughtfully) but guys, don’t you think in a way, it could be consistent with her sanctification in the womb, and not necessarily from the moment of her conception? I need you guys to convince me better…

(Enters St. Irenaeus of Lyons)

St. Irenaeus: (smiling) dear Angelic doctor and my fellow scholars! let’s remember the harmony of creation and redemption. Mary, untainted by sin, aligns perfectly with God’s original intention for humanity.

Duns Scotus: (enthusiastically) And think about the perfect vessel Mary became. If Christ is the New Adam, Mary is the New Eve – free from sin, contributing to the reversal of the fall. At this point, we must invite a Biblical theologian, or perhaps, an evangelist to assist in this discussion.

(Enters St. Luke, holding a scroll)

St. Luke: (excitedly) Friends, allow me to share a revelation from my Gospel. In Greek, I described Mary as “kecharitomene,” signifying a perfected, continuous state of grace. The implications are deeper than you guys think! So, the angel’s greeting, “Hail, full of grace,” was more than a mere formality. The great Mother of God has been prepared for the great mystery of the Incarnation.

St. Augustine: (rubbing his forehead) This gets more interesting and apparent by the celestial moment. Thank you Brother Luke for shedding some light on the gospel you wrote.

St. Athanasius: (firmly) Friends, the Incarnation demands a vessel pure and untainted. Mary’s Immaculate Conception ensures the fittingness of the Word becoming flesh.

St. Thomas Aquinas: (nodding) I see the theological coherence, but I can’t help but consider the potential challenges to our understanding of redemption

(Meanwhile, Pope Pius IX joins the discussion.)

Pope Pius IX: (smiling) Thomas, my esteemed scholar, I appreciate your caution. In “Ineffabilis Deus,” I declared that Mary’s Immaculate Conception aligns perfectly with the merits of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.

St. Thomas Aquinas: (nodding) A formal declaration, eh? Well, times do change, and so do theological perspectives.

St. Augustine: (smirking) It seems our symposium is reaching a celestial consensus.

St. Alphonsus Liguori: (smiling) Indeed, Pius IX. Mary, conceived without sin, points us to the abundance of God’s grace, not away from it.

St. Augustine: (leaning back) I suppose it’s a delicate balance, then. Mary’s unique grace doesn’t overshadow the universality of sin but amplifies the divine plan.

St. Thomas Aquinas: (smirking) It seems our symposium is reaching a celestial consensus.

(The celestial library echoes with the musings of these heavenly theologians…)

Duns Scotus: (raising his mug) To Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the masterpiece of God’s grace!

Heavenly cheers echo through the celestial library as the saints and scholars, critics turned enthusiasts, celebrate the awesome beauty of the Immaculate Conception.

(Fade out as heavenly laughter and camaraderie fill the celestial space)

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, on this day, we lift our hearts in gratitude for the gift of the Immaculate Conception – Mary, conceived without sin. Inspire us with her purity and devotion. May her example lead us closer to Your divine presence, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

N.B: The personalities and interactions were beautifully juxtaposed for an informative dialogue and better comprehension of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.


© Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ (Fada Cjay)
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil
nozickcjoe@gmail.com / fadacjay@gmail.com

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Chinaka Justin Mbaeri

A staunch Roman Catholic and an Apologist of the Christian faith. More about him here.

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Emeka Odugu
Emeka Odugu
10 months ago

Act 1; scene 1.
The level of erudition is very high. A scientific colloquium I would rather say.

10 months ago

Very interesting round table discussion. Dear Mother Mary, please intercede for my families, nuclear, extended, friends, loved ones, colleagues and for my future. Amen.

Kajo Blessing T
Kajo Blessing T
10 months ago

Considering all the views we can conclude that it’s God’s divine plan.

Umenwanne Perpetua
Umenwanne Perpetua
10 months ago

What a great discussion, O Mary conceive without original sin pray for us who have recourse to thee

Uba Susanna Chiebone
Uba Susanna Chiebone
10 months ago

Dada CJAY you are fantastic. You are great. May the Almighty double you with wisdom and energy and other virtues which will enable you to gather and prepare the children. of God to focus heaven. Be blessed.

Catherine Adaugo Uzoma
Catherine Adaugo Uzoma
10 months ago

Beautiful discuss

Benjamin Adewale Ajai
Benjamin Adewale Ajai
10 months ago

Beautifully composed and very informative.
Thank you!

Mike-kusah, Vickie
Mike-kusah, Vickie
10 months ago

Mary Mother of Immaculate conception, Pray for us!

More knowledge on the Immaculate conception of our Mother Mary.
Thank you Fada CJAY

Rita Shinku
Rita Shinku
10 months ago

Great Ideaogies. O Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us

EuniceOReur verenyol
EuniceOReur verenyol
10 months ago

Beautiful discussion, oh Mary conceived with out sin pray for us who have recause to thy.

Vivian Oyih
Vivian Oyih
10 months ago

Lord I totally believe in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lord accept our prayers through the intercession of Your Mother Mary

Anthonia Nwidadah
Anthonia Nwidadah
10 months ago

Innovative, educative & quite hilarious!

10 months ago

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Cally Azogu
Cally Azogu
10 months ago

Very brilliant presentation and concept. Great imagination! Keep it up dear Fr!

Juliet Orianzi
Juliet Orianzi
10 months ago


10 months ago


Isioma Okolo
Isioma Okolo
5 months ago


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