In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
O Most Holy Mary, as we celebrate your Assumption in body and soul to the glory of Heaven, we implore you to help us to live with faith and hope in this world, seeking always and in all things the Kingdom of God.
O Lady assumed to Heaven, help us to open ourselves to the presence and action of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that creates and renews, capable of transforming our hearts.
O Lady of the Assumption, enlighten our minds about the destiny that awaits us – the eternal joy in the heavenly homeland – of the dignity of each one of us and the nobility of our bodies and of our souls, who may one day be with you in the glory of Heaven.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, raised to Heaven, show yourself to us all as Mother of faith, hope, and love!
Dear friends in Christ, let us, therefore, fix our gaze on Mary, already assumed into heaven! She is the certainty and proof that her children will one day have their bodies glorified with the glorious Christ. Our aspiration for eternal life concretizes when we contemplate the bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; that she is up there, that she sees us and looks at us with her tender eyes, and prays for us. Hence, for us Christians, heaven is no longer a very distant and unknown sphere. In heaven, we have the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who made her our Mother when He said to the beloved disciple and to all of us: “Here is your Mother!” (Jn. 19:26-27). Thus, Heaven is open for us her children.” (To be continued…)
Silent Prayer and Reflection…
Most blessed among all women, my queen, and mother, your assumption into the highest heaven has deepened my faith. I have come to understand that it was necessary that the one who had kept her virginity unharmed in childbirth should also keep her body uncorrupted after death; it was necessary that the one who had carried the Creator in her womb as a child should dwell in the divine abodes; it was necessary that the one who had seen the Son on the cross, receiving in her heart that sword of pain from which she had been immune when giving birth to Him, should contemplate Him who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Highly favoured mother, the closer you are to the Source of graces, the more you can reach us. In heaven, you discover our miseries better, so it is necessary that you have greater compassion in helping us. Make us your faithful servants on earth, that we may later bless you in paradise. As we celebrate the glory of your Assumption in the coming days, we want to consecrate ourselves to your service. In the midst of your great joy, comfort us also by accepting us today as your servants. Before your majesty, I present the following intentions for your maternal care (state your requests).
Recite 3 Hail Marys for the favour you seek to obtain.
O Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Great Mary (Pray for us)
Greatest of Marys
Greatest of Women
Mother of Eternal Glory
Mother of the Golden Light
Honour of the Sky
Temple of the Divinity
Fountain of the Gardens
Serene as the Moon
Bright as the Sun
Garden Enclosed
Temple of the Living God
Light of Nazareth
Beauty of the World
Queen of Life
Ladder of Heaven
Mother of God
O sovereign queen of the Angels, we well know that as miserable sinners, we were not worthy to possess you in this vale of tears, and we know that your greatness does not make you forget our misery. In the midst of so much glory, your compassion, far from diminishing, increases more and more for us. From the height of that throne where you reign over all the angels and saints, turn your merciful gaze upon us; see how many storms and a thousand dangers encircle us in these turbulent times. Our queen and mother, obtain for us the increase in faith, confidence, and holy perseverance in friendship with God, so that we can, one day, go kiss your feet and unite our voices with those of the heavenly spirits,
to praise and sing your glories eternally in heaven – Ave Maria! Amen.
Concluding Anthem
I’ll sing a hymn to Mary,
The Mother of my God,
The Virgin of all virgins,
Of David’s royal blood.
O teach me, holy Mary,
A loving song to frame,
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
To love and bless thy name.
O noble Tower of David,
Of gold and ivory.
The Ark of God’s own promise,
The gate of Heav’n to me.
To live and not to love thee
Would fill my soul with shame;
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.
The saints are high in glory,
With golden crowns so bright;
But brighter far is Mary,
Upon her throne of light.
Oh that which God did give thee,
Let mortal ne’er disclaim;
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.
But in the crown of Mary,
There lies a wonderous gem,
As Queen of all the angels,
Which Mary shares with them;
No sin hath e’er defiled thee,
So doth our faith proclaim;
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.
Through the intercession of Our Lady assumed into heaven, may the Lord bless + us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Great job praying Day 7! Click here for Day 8 Prayers

© Written by Fr. Chinaka Justin Mbaeri, OSJ
Paroquia Nossa Senhora de Loreto, Vila Medeiros, São Paulo, Brazil /
PS: Have you prayed your Rosary today?
Mother through your intercession intercede for us all your children who calls for your intercession Amen
My Sweet Mother of the Assumption… Pray for my concerns… Amen
Oh Mary assumed into heaven pray for us who have recourse to thee Amen
May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us. Amen.
I love you mama. Please
Oh Mary assumed into Heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Temple of the Living God, pray for us. Amen
Mary our mother, Temple of the living God, Pray for us Amen.
Ladder of heaven pray for us
O Mother Mary, assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Amen, to the glory of God
O Mary assumed into heaven pray for us
Oh Queen assume into heaven pray for us , who have recourse to thee. AMEN.
Oh Mary assumed into heaven pray for us and the whole world Amen
Mother Mary, hear my humble prayers & grant my heart desires. Amen
To your maternal intercession we entrust ourselves and our family and all whom it has pleased God to put on our Salfivic journey of life.
Dear mother Mary please intercede for me and obtain the graces I seek from your son our dear redeemer in this novena. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Mary, the greatest of all women, pray for us Amen.
Oh Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O Lady of the Assumption, enlighten our minds about the destiny that awaits us – the eternal joy in the heavenly homeland – of the dignity of each one of us and the nobility of our bodies and of our souls, who may one day be with you in the glory of Heaven. Amen.
Saint Josemaria Escrivá teaches: “We are still pilgrims, but our Mother has preceded us and already, indicating the end of the road: she encourages us that it is possible to get there and that we will get there if we are faithful because the Blessed Virgin is not just our example: she is the Help of Christians.”
Ave Maria, I will always sing a hymn to you for you are the mother of my God.
My lovely mother of Assumption pray for us your children.
Good morning Father CJAY. Thank you for all these efficacious prayers
Mother of Eternal Glory, Pray for me, my husband and my children. Amen
Thank you Jesus for prayer answered…Amen
Iam all thine my Queen and my mother and all that I have is thine, Amen
Our lady of assumption pray for us
O Queen Assumed into Heaven, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, Amen
O Mary my mother please intercede for my concern
Amen and Amen, Amen!!!
Mother of the Golden Light
Pray for Us
I bless Thee Queen of eternal glory. Intercede for my daughter Victoria that her legs be renewed without a cut to the glory of God through Christ your son, our Lord. Amen .
Greatest of women, pray for us now and at the hour of our death
Mother of God
Pray for us
Temple of the Divinity. Pray for us.
Queen of Life, pray for us
Our Mother assumed into heaven pray for us and the whole world.
When wicked men blaspheme thee, I’ll love and bless your name.
O Nne Maria e bugolu aru ya n’enuigwe, yobalu anyi ayiyo. Amen!
Mary Assumed into heaven, pray for us Amen
Holy Mary mother of God! Pray for us! Amen
Our Lady of Assumption, Mother of the Golden Light, pray for us, Amen
Bright as the Sun….pray for us
Hail Mary, daughter of God the Father! Hail Mary, mother of God the Son! Hail Mary, spouse of God the Holy Spirit!
Hail Mary, temple of the Most Blessed T
Hail Mary, pure lily of the radiant Trinity! Hail Mary, celestial rose of the ineffable love of God!